In the last couple of years I have been happily sewing along not knowing about the Make Nine challenge
I have been making loads of stuff and just randomly posting about it here on the blog as well as on insta. Of course I have seen others been much more organized about it with different pledges and sewing challenges like the Make Nine, and I thought I would do that too this year.
I have also been hoarding some very nice sewing books, and I thought it would be a good way to start making things from these books. In stead of just ding what I always do – which is just my own stuff. Which is also fun, great and obviously something that works for me, but it is good to be challenged sometimes.
My make nine for 2020 will be some patterns from Mari Melilots book “Alle kan sy” (Everybody can sew), some patterns from Breaking the Pattern by Named Clothing. Others from Nani Iros Sewing Studio pattern book, a dress from Gerties sews jiffy dresses , and then the last one will be a bomber jacket pattern from Stoffstil.
I need to try something new like the Make Nine challenge, and actually use these books I buy and not just randomly look at them because they are pretty.
Because I also have not used patterns properly for many years, so it is going to be fun to try it again with this Make Nine challenge. Exciting to see if the paper patterns will make me crazy. But I am intrigued and hope to have some really nice new things, when I am done.
It will be an awesome challenge for this Spring, especially now that the covid-19 virus has made sure that we are all staying indoors. So when I am not homeschooling the girls and trying to keep us all sane, I will be sewing some nice things. Which will help me stay sane.
And to say a little bit about this crazy time
I just hope we can all make the most of it. Be kind to each other by staying to ourselves and help whereever we can. In my little household I just hope that the girls will look back at it one day from a much better time in the future, and at least think that we had a cosy time together. That they won´t just remember it as some kind of nightmare.
We are lucky here in the case, that we can stay home without any problems, me being unemploid and my husband Alan a student. We don’t have to stress about jobs, but can keep the girls home without any problems. And the craft and arts lesson of the homeschooling part will luckily also come easily.
I hope you will all stay safe and healthy out there.
- And I hope you have something nice and meaningful to do while we wait for things to get well again.
For other nice things to do when times are tough you can always find inspiration here.