Painting faces with textile paint

Painting faces with textile paint

Painting faces with textile paint

Painting faces with textile paint – a fun challenge

And it does not have to be exactly faces. It´s just because I love doodling faces, and it´s my go-to doodle whenever I sit with a blank piece of paper. But perhaps you prefer to doodle something else? Then go with that! Shapes, animals, letters, or secret messages..? I bet it could all look good on a jumper.


Fabric pant – a quirky and easy way to upcycle

One of my newest obsessions is fabric paint, and I love all the things you can do with it. I enjoy going to thrift shops and buying stuff to upcycle, and a basic tee or sweatshirt Is always a great canvas.

This yellow sweatshirt was calling to me – “Karoline, put some crazy faces on me”, it said. Probably only so loud that I could hear it.

Painting faces with textile paint

How I did the painting faces with textile paint

It is very important to add the layer of plastic or cardboard in between the layers of fabric. If you miss that step, the paint can bleed onto the other side. But it also just makes it easier to paint, when there is a hard layer in between.

I chose only one colour and some paint brushes, but you can also try markers, or to use several colours. The piece of clothing is your canvas, and you can spice it up any way you like. But the black lines, smudges and paint splatters just look cool, to me.

Leave one side to dry, before you turn the sweatshirt over and paint the other side. Once they are both dry then iron the painted areas for 5 minutes and then it´s good to go. You can wash and wear just like you normally would. See the video tutorial for painting faces with textile paint here.

Have fun with your textile paint!


You can see more of my projects with textile paint here and here.


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