I love DIY doll house making !
I know I am usually posting mostly about sewing here on the blog with the occasional bit of knitting or other crafting.
But all this time I have a secret obsession to share about. DIY Doll house projects.
I feel it is very much like a guilty pleasure, and I might have spent too much of my previous salary on retro and quirky vintage dolls house bits and bobs. But they are so cool. I know that there are some people out there who gets me..
It started with a new antique shop that opened in town when Jolina was quite little. They had an old Lundby Dolls house with furniture for 300 kroner, approx. 30 pounds. Obviously I got that, and the both girls have played with it a lot. Then we bought another one used, and had the two houses on the wall in perfect playing height for both girls. Since then I have always looked for old Lundby stuff at jumble sales and online. It´s a great way of getting a decoration kick when you cannot redecorate your own house all the time.
I was browsing through old photos and found so many cute ones where the girls are in the old playroom and you can see the dolls houses. Ah, memories of how sweet and little the girls were.
A bit more than two years ago I was looking for a project family craft project that I could make with the girls. I always felt like I was doing crafty stuff on my own that they were too young to join in on, so I had the idea to build a homemade DIY doll house with accessories with them. It was a cosy project and we turned the idea into a book proposal. We also made a character called Duddi Dahrling, who lived in the house, and a little friend for her. I wrote about it here, in Danish though.
Lots of moulding and building, here I am making a little chair.
That Christmas holiday went with building and making the DIY doll house. Our living room was a mess for a long time.
Since then the project has waited to be gathered, and now it is. In a beautiful pdf file sent out into the world. If it could turn into a beautiful little book I would be so happy. If not, it has still been a very cosy project and the girls still play with all the fun accessories and furniture we made. We all love to make fun and amazing rooms for our future dream home.
If you want to check out the most awesome DIY doll house project, check this one out from A Beautiful Mess.