How to make a super easy skirt in10 minutes – just in time for a party, or staying at home feeling festive
I recently bought this awesome green glittery fabric from StoffStil and the cute Merry Christmas elastic as well. I really wish I had bought more, because now after making the skirt, I want one too.
I made a video tutorial that is up on youtube, and it is one of my shortest videos ever, because the make was so so quick.
The video was thrown together in a jiffy, because I wanted to get the skirt made real fast, so not that prepared, but the outcome – the skirt, turned out great.
What you need for the super easy 10 minute skirt
Some fabric – I have used a normal standard fabric width and 40 cm – that is long enough for my daughters. I guess 60 cm would be enough for me, if I was to buy more fabric.
Decorative elastic band to use around the waist. Make sure you have a size that fits around your waist but also fits over your hips.
This kind of fabric does not fray so that of course makes it even quicker to make. No ends need to be zigzagged or hemmed – of course you can if you want to.
How you make the super easy skirt in 10 minutes
Fold the piece of elastic with the front of elastic facing front of elastic. Stitch down the side so you create a tube.
Fold the fabric with the front of fabric facing front of fabric. Stitch down the side so you also create a tube here.
For all the ruffles or gathers of the skirt tube you can use pins or wonderclips to keep it in place, but for this I hand basted all around the top edge. It did not take long and then I could pull at the thread and make the perfect width for the elastic tube.
Place the elastic tube on top of the ruffled skirt edge. Hold the ruffles from the skirt in place to the elastic tube with wonderclips or pins.
Sew the elastic and skirt tube together.
And done!
It is my big wish that the short tutorial could inspire you to feel the joy of making yourself. So sorry if the English is not perfect.. But hopefully you will get the gist of it and make this super easy 10 minute skirt DIY yourself.
If you like these tutorials there are loads more on my blog, like this one.