Best IKEA Ivar hack

Best IKEA Ivar hack

Best IKEA Ivar hack

Best IKEA Ivar hack

Or perhaps I should call it the most colourful, happy and simply THE best IKEA Ivar hack. At least that Is what I think it is. And can it even be called a hack, when it is just stacking a lot of IKEA Ivars on top of each other..?

Anyways, I have dreamed of doing this project forever, but could not find the space in our house. Until I moved some furniture around and then suddenly had an empty wall that would be perfect. Or perhaps not perfect, because there could be a bit more space around the Ivar, and since the walls and floor and doors in our house are complete uneven and warped, it might look a bit funny. But it was the space I had available.

– And I love it.

Best IKEA Ivar hack Best IKEA Ivar hack Best IKEA Ivar hack Best IKEA Ivar hack

Best IKEA Ivar hack

How we made the Best IKEA Ivar hack

First of all we went and ordered the Ivar cabinets on the IKEA website. Not trips to the shop, because itยดs closed and we donโ€™t own a car. So it is perfect that they still deliver and had them in stock. They are often out of stock, because they are so popular, so I felt quite lucky. We also tried to buy them second hand, but nobody had them for sale. I guess they are just a piece of furniture you want to hang on to.

Then came the assemblinhg which went really well. It was lovely to work with the wood, because it actually smelled like real wood. Not plastic. And so nice and sturdy to assemble.

My husband helped assembling and attaching them to the wall, and we made a video of it here on Youtube. It is in super speed, but it still was fairly quick. Did not take that long in real time. And no huge IKEA assembly fights.

The most fun about the Best IKEA Ivar hack

The uttermost awesome thing about the Best IKEA Ivar hack was the painting.

I had a few paint pots leftover from other projects and then I tinted the rest myself with white wood paint and some acrylic paint. That was a delight, and I just love mixing colours and putting them together.

I mixed 12 colours and then painted them onto small strips of cardboard so I could mix them around really easily and figure out an order to them. In the end I decided on keeping one door wth the original wood and only used 11 of the colours.

Itยดs bright and cheerful and like having a colourful piece of art but just with lots of amazing storage space.

Best IKEA Ivar hack Best IKEA Ivar hack

Check some other great Ivar hacks all over the internet

So many have made the Ivar look greatS. And it is easy to do.

The IKEA Ivar is simply a great piece of furniture, because it is mad of real wood. So nice and easy to paint. No nasty laminate! And it can be sanded and re-painted again and again. I am already thinking that it could be fun to use them all for one mega long buffet line of cabinets. Also in some kind of great colour order.

If you want to see another IKEA hack, you can see my upcycled Lack tables here.

9 thoughts on “Best IKEA Ivar hack

  1. Hi there! Beautiful! May I ask if the shelves inside the Ivar unit are from IKEA or if you made/cut them to fit from timber you sourced yourself?
    Thank you so much!

  2. This is so inspiring, thank you for sharing! Iโ€™m going to do something similar in my sewing space!

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