Shrink plastic Christmas hearts just in time for the Holidays
I had some Shrink plastic lying in one of my crafts drawers and the girls really wanted to make something with it. I had this idea to make some Christmas hearts with it. Normally it is a tradition here in Denmark to make them in colored paper and then fold them, hang them on the tree and perhaps fill them with little treats. I think they can be so beautiful and cozy when folded right, but this was going to be a completely different way to make them.
Shrink plastic Christmas hearts – how to do it
At first, I made a template on some white paper. I made it the exact size of the shrink plastic pieces I had available, so I would not waste anything. These pieces were a6 and they turned out quite cute but very small. I would like to try and make a template in a5 size as well.
Then I just painted the Christmas hearts on to the Shrink plastic with sharpie markers on the shrink plastic lying top of the template. The plastic was very slick and normal markers did not stick at all. I also tried one with a different kind of shrink plastic, and they were much easier to draw on, and you could use all kinds of markers. But I just wanted to use what I had, and I also liked that the plastic was completely clear. That looked great.
Then I cut around the heart and made a hole with a hole punch.
And in the oven the hearts went
I wanted to see when they transformed from their size and became miniatures, but you have to stand guard at the oven door to catch that, and I was not quick enough. So, I did not see that unfortunately, even though it is always cool to see how they twist and then just fold down small.
One of the Shrink plastic Christmas hearts did not fold down flat, so I tried to press it slightly, but it had already gone too cold, so it broke. Be careful, they are so fragile.
After they cooled of, I added a string to the hole and then it is just up on a beautiful branch to make it look fancy.
I love the look of these Shrink plastic Christmas hearts. They almost look like stained glass and I am just so happy with them.
For more shrink plastic ideas look to pinterest here and for a cute Christmas craft to my blog here.