Gifted zipper for the old denim jacket in the post.
My favouriteold denim jacket
I have already shown you some of the things I have made from my lovely Stoffstil present. The sweet little haberdashery elves that work there (in my imagination they are super cute) also heard that the zipper on my old denim jacket broke and sent me a new one. Pink, gold and pure cool.
The denim jacket I have is an old thrifted one from back in the day when I just started trifting with my very cool cousin in the 90´s. yikes. That was when it was not normal to go through the thrift shop bins, it smells nicer in the shops now than it did then – but my cousin was awesomely cool so she let me know it was fine. That means the old denim jacket is at least 25 years old cause that’s when I got it, but looking at it, I would say its from the 70´s.
I am never getting rid of it. The wash, the cut and the softness of the denim makes me forever hang on to it.
But the zipper was broken
Fixing it was easy. Just took it out of the old denim jacket with the seam ripper and put the new one in. the girls said I should put in on the front, so you could see all the cute pink and gold tape, but I did put it in just like the old one was in stead.
I did not get it quite even on both sides, so I can´t show you a picture of that, ha ha. Perhaps I will one day get annoyed, take it out and put it back in, but who am I kidding, I will probably keep it like this for the next 25 years.
And then here are just some very cute pictures of me and me girls. All in thrifted old or snot so olddenim jackets. And attitudes that are all homemade.
Be sure to use your old clothes and not just throw them out. Find more inspiration here or on my instagram.