The refashioners community challenge – and my participation in it
This is a challenge from the english blog Makery where Portia has set the refashioning challenge for the community to show your #therefashioners2018 and #inspiredby designs.
I have been checking out the entries for the refashioning challenge for the last couple of years, and it seems like just the thing I am doing a lot, actually.
Changing something that already exists ito something else.
Most often it just happens so fast that I do not get round to taking pictures and documenting it.
But it is very sustainable and right up my street, seeing that I go shopping in the 2nd hand shop at my workplace to find things to wear and alter quite a lot.. It is a great way to get new outfits without having to go crazy with new stuff.
My choice for the refashioners community challenge
I have seen many blue and white striped shirt dresses, and I thought they looked really comfy and smart. They are always a classic choice.
So I wanted to make my own!
Luckily at the shop in AVV I found two identical mens shirts I could use. Both with the same holes on the elbows. (Very pointy elbows there. Someone must have gotten quite a bit ahead. Ha ha.)
How to make the dress for the refashioners community challenge
A few cuts to make shorter sleeves – but with bell edges, and a short little skirt on the bottom with some extra material from the backpiece on the sides to make it wider. And no collar since I wanted to make it a bit more feminine.
I can see myself making more of these – I dont even think I need identical shirts, could be fine in contrasting colours as well.
I hope some of you might try the same thing at home.