My birthday is coming up very soon, and with that date comes the anniversary for signing the papers on our house
We had checked this house out in the winter of between 2019 and 2020, and last year in June 2020 we saw it for the second time at an open house.
We love it the first time we saw it, but because I quit my job in the beginning of 2020, we knew we could not afford it. When it was listed in June with another real estate firm and a bit lower price we went to the bank to see if it at all was possible. And our nice bank lade said ok. Crazy. But awesome.
We then booked another viewing on my birthday and after seeing it, we went straight to the bank to say we were ready to buy, and then we signed. What a wild birthday celebration in the year 2020 when not much was very exciting in a good way.
We moved in a month and 3 days after signing, and since then the love for the house has only grown.
What made me fall in love with the Skandi house
I fell in love with the downstairs living room and the roof top terrace, and the view. The fact that it is right next to the beautiful cemetery where two of my grandparents and my little brother lie also means a lot to me. I miss him every day, and that I can walk to is place so quickly is one small way to deal with the sadness.
Now we have soon had a year in the house – tried all the seasons, and we are so comfortable living here.
The floors upstairs are super uneven. If I drop a bead it will roll to the lowest corner. And chairs with wheels are a fun challenge..
But it is a lovely house. All the little details already there, and the ones we have put in makes is so special. And perfect for us. There is so much green around outside so many of our windows, and it is always a beautiful view.
We have changed one of the bathrooms around quite a bit, but apart from that, we have just painted a lot, and I have gone bonkers with decorating everywhere.
So many new colours in the Skandi house
I will do some photos from when we moved in here and some from what it has looked like throughout the year, so you can see a bit of the development. Colours and more colours. Even a bubblegum cloud mural.
Moving in and painting was done very quickly, because we both had to start new jobs shortly after moving in. The floor underneath the rugs was really bad. We sanded and sanded, but so many stains are still there, so next project will be to paint the worst parts grey.
The Seasons and life in the house
I am looking forward to so many years here. Parties in the summer evenings upstairs. Christmases in the downstairs living room. Badminton in the garden. And being busy in my craft room at all seasons of course. Where I do all kinds of crafts as you can see here..
I was also soo looking forward to seeing the view snow covered, and it did not disappoint.
The house looking as nice as it can. Apart from the craft room that always looks like the boxes and drawers just vomited stuff out… But I am so happy that I have that space to create.
If you want to know more about the house, you can always follow my house account on Instagram here