Yay for the creative process!
I am so fortunate that the styles and DIYs that I began working on last Summer will now finally be transformed into the sewing book of my dreams.
I have been so lucky to have signed a contract with C&T Publishing and under Stash Books, my new sewing bible will come out next year. It is so funny that it ended up being C&T, because it is one of those publishing houses, that I have bought books from myself through the years. Full circle, so awesome.
Writing a sewing book
Writing a sewing book, is a long process and these styles have been underway so long, but it will be worth it. It is a dream come true, and I will bring my way of making clothes to the world.
This late Summer I have been doing the photographs for the book – and with my gorgeous models, they will just be beautiful. Some of them were shot in my home, some in my friends’ beautiful yard, and others in the very classy local art museum VKM.
So here is a glimpse into my old living room transformed into a photo studio.
I was lucky enough to get to photograph both friends, my sweet mum and cute girls. Just so happy that they wanted to join in. In this post are a couple behind the scenes shots, no styles showing, cause they are a secret for now.
It will be quite a while before the book is done, but I know how quickly time passes, so soon it will be the Fall of 2021 and I will have a sewing book in English out to hopefully inspire a lot of new readers to start sewing.
It was so much fun in 2018 when I had a sewing book out in Danish, but this will be HUGE. I don´t think I understand it yet.
It is one of my biggest dreams about to come true, I guess I won´t really believe it till I see an online layout example or the real deal in my hands.
I wish I could have told myself from a couple of years ago, that this would actually happen. How excited I would have been.
But it just shows, that sometimes good things do happen. So please work for your dreams and keep hoping.